Mid-Del Families  Please Share Your Feedback

Survey for Mid-Del Families:
Prismatic Services, Inc. is an outside firm contracted to complete a performance review of the school district. As part of that review, Prismatic would like to hear your opinions about Mid-Del. Your responses will be sent directly to Prismatic and will be kept confidential. Individual survey responses will not be shared with district staff, only the overall results. To complete this survey, please go here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Mid-Del-Parents\r\n




If you experience any issues with the survey, please email surveysupport@prismaticservices.com.\r\n




Please complete one survey per family only.\r\n


This performance review is being performed at the request of the Mid-Del administration and school board, and is being paid for by the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability. \r\n

