We will notify our families of important information through the following methods:
Phone, Text Messages, and Emails to our Families
Mid-Del website www.mid-del.net
District social media sites
Local media outlets


School Closure Due to Weather
The decision to close schools when adverse weather conditions are present will be made by the Superintendent. Every attempt will be made to finalize the decision regarding school closings no later than 5:00 a.m. Please tune in to local television stations, radio stations and the District Website for closing notifications. Information will also be shared through the parent automated notification system, Facebook, Twitter and our District Mobile App.
Public Designated Storm Shelters
Please reference the following locations for designated tornado shelters in our communities. Mid-Del Schools does not have any Public Designated Storm Shelters. The Designated City Storm Shelters open as the City sounds the storm warning sirens. Reference the 3 Point Tornado Sheltering Plan Image for our District's sheltering information to be used during school hours.
City of Del City: **NO Designated City Storm Shelters.
City of Forest Park: Fire Station, 4203 N. Coltrane Road
City of Midwest City: **NO Designated City Storm Shelters. (This includes the Reed Conference Center)
City of Oklahoma City: **NO Designated City Storm Shelters.