Touchdown Eagles. 21-0. #watchDCsoar
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
End of the 1st. 14-0. Eagles in the lead.
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
Touchdown Eagles. 14-0.
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
Touchdown Eagles. 7-2. Eagles up
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
The Oklahoma State Election Board moved polling locations out of all of the Mid-Del School buildings. Please be sure you know your polling location prior to the October 10th Bond Election. To find your polling location, please visit:
8 months ago, Mid-Del News
The Mid-Del Orchestra concert will be held on Monday, October 2nd at 6:30pm at First Southern Baptist Church located at 6400 S. Sooner Road. Join us for a night of music provided by our high school and middle school programs. Safety Protocols will be in place. #mdpurpose
8 months ago, Mid-Del News
This weeks TIREless Teacher is Ms. Beeson and the Strike Em Out Staffulty is Han! #watchDCsoar
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
Pom, Student Council, NHS and MOD kicked off our elementary high five Fridays. Once a month different groups will be surprising our feeder schools and giving high fives #watchDCsoar
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
We can't wait to see our Mid-Del Families at the 80th Anniversary Tailgate and Fall Festival on Tuesday, October 3rd from 5-7pm at the MCHS Jim Darnell Stadium at Rose Field! Security Procedures will be in place for the event. If you will be having a table at the event, we ask that you please complete the following online form. Thank you!
8 months ago, Mid-Del News
Attendance Matters!
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
Our aim is to be as transparent as possible as we partner with our community members to support one of our city's most important public institutions - our schools. We invite you to explore the pages linked here, to register to vote, view the proposed projects, view frequently asked questions, learn how we developed the bond, and to confirm your polling location. The Oklahoma State Election Board moved polling locations out of all of the Mid-Del School buildings. Please be sure you know your polling location prior to the Bond Election. Voting Day is October 10th, 2023. One District. One Family. One Bond. Mid-Del Schools leading for the future. Visit us online at #mdpurpose
8 months ago, Mid-Del News
This afternoon, Dr. Cobb visited with the staff from Del City High School about the upcoming October 10 bond election. For more information about the bond, please visit us online at #mdpurpose
8 months ago, Mid-Del News
College App Week
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
Attendance Matters!
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
Today was DC Big Event Community Service Project. Student Council, NHS, ROTC and FCCLA did a variety of projects with in the city. Wrestling will be working on a DC garden next week as part of the event! #watchDCsoar
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
Final. 73-0. #watchdcsoar
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
End of the 3rd. 60-0
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
54-0. 630 left in the 3rd
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar
Halftime. Eagles up. 48-0 #watchdcsoar
8 months ago, #WatchDCSoar