Mid-Del Bond Election Set for October 10, 2023

July 24, 2023, the Board of Education passed a bond resolution calling for an election on October 10, 2023. The district will be sharing details over the next 11 weeks about the projects that will be included on the bond resolution totaling $492.7 million. #mdpurpose

Planning for Mid-Del 's Future Bond Elections

In September of 2022, Dr. Cobb started visiting with all of our school site staff and asked our employees what improvements they would like to see in our schools for future bond planning. After the completion of these meetings in early October, Dr. Cobb scheduled community bond talks to seek feedback for future bond projects from members of our communities.

The community bond talks were held for one hour at each of our three high schools as well as the Mid-Del Technology Center in October and November. The goal of these meetings was to gather ideas and suggestions for facility improvements for a future bond election.

Bond Steering Committee Meetings

Members of the community are meeting monthly to provide advice on the projects that should be included in the upcoming bond election in the fall of 2023. The committee will also be helping promote the final bond package and information for the voters in the Mid-Del community.

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Above: Images from the Bond Steering Committee Meeting 1-17-2023

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Above: Images from the Bond Steering Committee Meeting 2-20-2023

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Above: Images from the Bond Steering Committee Elementary Tour 2-28-2023

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Above: Images from the Bond Steering Committee Meeting 3-28-2023

Recent Bond Improvements

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Performing Arts Centers

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Stadium Improvements

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Schwartz Elementary Addition

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Fine Arts

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Middle School Additions

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Elementary Playgrounds