Additional Information:
Board of Education Agendas/Minutes beginning June 26, 2019 and ALL future meetings
Board Meeting Dates
All regular Board Meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. at the Mid-Del Board of Education Center in the Board Room located at 7217 S.E. 15th Street in Midwest City (unless notified otherwise).
Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings will be broadcast on the District's YouTube Channel:
Ward Maps

Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings
The Board of Education encourages members of the public to bring forward any suggestions for the improvement of the school system. Board members and the superintendent cannot, by law, respond to questions or comments from members of the public during a Board meeting. The Board will not vote on matters brought forward by the public if those matters do not relate to specific agenda items. Persons who address the Board during public participation must state their name and address and follow these guidelines:
Not use the public participation portion of the Board meeting to make slanderous, abusive, and personal statements against any individual. The Board President may rule any speaker out of order who makes such statements.
Not speak regarding litigation pending against the District or employees of the District.
Not speak regarding a matter that is currently the subject on an investigation being conducted by the District or its agents or attorneys, or which is the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation.